Scientific Conference Presenters

Thank you to all our great presenters from the 2022 PFIC Scientific Conference! These presenters made our conference a huge success.

Dr. Akihiro Asai, MD, PhD

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Contact Information:

Dr. Rodrigo Florentino, PhD

University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Liver Research Center

Contact Information:

Dr. Jagadeesh Menon V R , M.D

Consultant Pediatric gastroenterologist, hepatologist, and liver transplant physician at Dr. Rela Institute and medical centre, Chennai, India

Contact Information:  

Dr. Kathleen Loomes, MD

Site principal investigator at CHOP for the NIH-funded Childhood Liver Disease Research Network (ChiLDReN) and the Pediatric Acute Liver Failure Immune Response Network (PALF-IRN).

Contact Information:

Dr. Ben Schneider, MD

George Peterkin Endowed Chair and Head of the Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at the Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital

Contact Information:

Dr. Henkjan Verkade, MD, PhD

Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Dept. Pediatrics Beatrix Children’s Hospital University Medical Center Groningen

Contact Information:

Dr. Chunyue Yin, PhD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Contact Information:

Dr. Gitta Lubke, PhD

Professor Emerita
Notre Dame University
PFIC Network Research Strategist

Contact Information:

Dr. Paula Hertel, M.D.

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine

Contact Information:

Dr. Piotr Czubkowski

The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Department Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Immunology

Contact Information:

Community Presenters

Emily Ventura

PFIC Network Executive Director
Mother of PFIC 2 child, Cedar

Emily is presenting on behalf of a family in our community. The story Emily tells will be the story of an anonymous mother who is brave for taking the first step in sharing a rare disease story.

Contact Information:

Zunera Dilshad

Zunera Dilishad, Pakistan
Mother of PFIC 2 child, Hayyan

Francesca Lombardozzi

Francesca Lombardozzi, PFIC Italia Network
Mother of PFIC 1 child, Eva Luna

Bernadetta Skora

Bernadetta Skora, Poland
Mother of PFIC 2 child, Anna

Walter Perez

Walter Perez, Canada
Father of PFIC 2 child, Armando

Contact Information: